Chingay '09

7:30 PM Edit This
Really lag post. haha.. comp's running low on ram, takes forever to even rotate e image.

Anyway, went for my first Chingay with Si & Von! *woohoo* Actually we went just to give SW support, but the entire event turned out pretty well! Now I understand why audience on TV always look so un-enthu. That's bcuz there's really too much going on everywhere and we just can't take our eyes off the amazing floats and colourful performers! Totally enjoyed it :)

February Snapshots

10:43 PM Edit This
My first time baking cookies! Pretty exciting and tedious, cuz my oven is so tiny and one tray of 9 cookies are already squeezing each other out of shape. hehe... imagine how many rounds of baking I had to go through for dough that makes 30 cookies.

I baked them for An, it's our first Vday together - I was so worried the cookies won't turn out well. But, overall received pretty encouraging comments, just bit too sweet though.
To all those who have tasted the sweet sweet cookies, hope u had a sweet vday ;)

To my dear An-na~ hehe.. thanks for the handmade Vday gift. Really sweet :)

What you can learn from animals...

"Relax and enjoy life!" This cat is so indulged in its afternoon nap she totally ignored my presence. And see how she sleeps with a cheeky grin!

"To scare another bigger sized animal - Me. "
This insect: some bee-striped grasshopper - made me jump while I was opening the door to my home. It's like 2inches long! What weird colors and big eyes it have...

"To smile no matter what happens"
Took this picture at a little corner shop selling fishes at Square2 basement. This one goldfish took the opportunity to smile at me, despite the duck happily eyeing it =P