11:15 PM Edit This
Recently, more and more people around me are starting to get married. As I attend their weddings, I can't help wondering... what does marriage means to me, and how will we ever know when we are ready for it.

I think marriage just means that a couple being bonded for life, and therefore will stick with each other through thick and thin. That takes so much effort to compromise, understand, trust and to give. It's hard to really understand a person... cuz people change overtime. People have different mentality and they grow spiritually and emotionally through various stages of their life and its experiences.

My friends who're getting married, they've known their partners for 2-3 years. Somehow I think those are prime number of years together before getting married. Cuz I was at that stage. But it passed. Suddenly, career & finances & aspirations & so many things just come into our lives. We're no longer innocently and happily in love. I feel like i'm losing touch with him.

Sigh. 4 years le. The last breaking point was also this duration.

I really need to put in more effort huh...

Attempts on Cartooning

10:29 PM Edit This
An gave me a HUMONGOUS book of Comic Drawing for X'mas present.
Totally lurve it!! Really fun to try drawing out the cartoon characters and creating some of my own.

These are my amateur attempts at drawing cartoons :)

Bottom left hand corner is drawn by Ah An. Looks uglily funny. haha