Pitstop 3 - Munich, Germany
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After Prague, Ben and Hazel split up with us and headed for Krakow while we went back into Germany to Munich. Just before we left, Hazel & Ben gave me a small notebook as my advance bday present ^.^ I've been looking for a notebook to log my Easter travels. Thanks guys!
On the train ride from Prague to Munich. It's still snowing! hehe..

I became pretty inspired and started sketching and writing and my notebook.

This is the view outside our tiny train cabin :)
We safely arrived in cosmopolitan Munich on 18 March and settled into one of the best hostels ever - WOMBATS! If u're ever travelling in Europe, always try Wombat. It's clean, prices are good, and every checkin comes with a free drink at their hostel bar. woohoo~!

Well, we didnt have much plans on the day we arrived. So we decided to explore the main city plaza, Marienplatz and headed to Hard Rock CAfe (HRC) to take a look. Oh, btw, HRC will appear quite often from now on. haha... Cuz I always to each city's HRC to buy their pins. So I'm aka Pinhead. heh..

As night falls...

Finally arrived at HRC, and I'm totally fascinated by the size of this restaurant and the souvenir shop is really cool! They've got guitars by various rockstars hung on their walls all over.

And another cool find in HRC...


"rock on!"
On the way back to hostel ZZzz... we passed by this guy busking along the streets on a grand piano! I have no idea how he managed to move the huge instrument there, but his 'Moonlight Sonata' performance definitely caught my attention.

very impressed with his playing, so i bought his cd containing collection of Rachmaninov, Chopin, Beethoven, Mozart and Strauss. He autographed my CD and I even took a pic w him.

Me & Daniel Stenway
Back in the hostel, some beer before we ZZz...

19 March
The next day, we woke up to yummy Wombat's buffet breakfast! Being on budget, I showed my kiasu Singaporean side *ashamed* haha.. dabao sandwiches for lunch. :D
Thereafter, we met in the lobby to go for a Free walking tour in Munich :)
Stop 1 - Karlsplatz / Stachus. Surprisingly, the locals only know this plaza by its second name. It's a city centre-cum-shopping plaza - and I mean shopping like Orchard Road. haha!
Stop 2 - Frauenkirche
This is the tallest building in Munich. It used to be a monastery brewing beer. Very interesting hor? Monks drinking beer. haha... they did it because they drink beer whenever they're fasting. So they're so well-reputed for brewing beer that the Pope asked for a sample to try. The beers is sent over during summer, so it turned bad when the Pope drank it. and so he commented "Ah.. it's good to drink this as punishment for your sins." lol... That's why beer can be continued to be brewed there :)

Interior of the church

"ugh~!! Somebody save me from this woman! *chokes*"
Stop 3 - Marienplatz
This it the street connecting from Karlsplatz...*shopping shopping shopping*
Here stands the Glokenspiel of Peterskirche! This gothic church has bells ringing everyday during noon time, and thus its name Glokenspiel. Probably this is where the name comes from for the instrument Glockenspiel. heh..

Stop 4 - on to Viktualien market
This local market sells alot of local produce.

and there's an entire row of butcher stalls! An interesting observation - not tht i'm trying to stereotype - but the butchers look so much as how a cartoon wld portray them to be! Big and chuuby holding a huge butcher knife in his shop with meat and sausages hanging over the counter. haha

huge variety of hams and meat and sausages and what have u..
Our guide greatly encouraged us to try this local dish called 'Lerberkas'. If u're in Munich, you definitely have to try this! *yUm!*

looks ordinary, but the taste is amazing! It's a traditional Bavarian breakfast - super thick ham with hot crisp bread and sweet mustart sauce. *heaven*
Stop 5 - Hofbrahaus aka. Palace Beer House
All I can say is - Big Bavarian Beerhouse! Big is an understatement even. It's as big as a huge ballroom for weddings! And I love all the decors on the walls and ceilings. The atmosphere was just magnificent! With a band playing live, people drinking beer in the afternoon, all jolly and drunk. no not drunk. Totally Oktober Fest - Music, Beer and Meat. haha... welcome to Germany manz!

Pple buy their own Steins. Steins are these HUGE huge beer-drinking mugs. And here, they'll lock away their stein. After this stop, we decided to come back for dinner *wootz* So more of Hofbrahaus aka. HB later! :D
Stop 6 - ?
I dunno where we are. lol... after HB, I'm totally into the mood of eating and drinking German style. haha... so..

if i'm not wrong this guy is Emperor Maximilan. and the background is National Theatre.
But i remembered this interesting fact brought up by my guide. Notice all the statues with someone on a horse -
1) 1 hoof off the floor = injured in battle
2) both hoofs off the floor = died in battle
haha.. so next time u can just say "see! this person died in battle." w/o even knowing his history. aha~
The rest of the places are 'blank' to me. Totally can't remember... tht's the consequence of blogging so late after travel. haha. Anyway, enjoy e architecture!

Theatiner Kirche

AFter the tour, we took a nice stroll to Hofgarten. The weather was freezing! haha.. and as usual, nothing much to do, we camwhored!

Freezing cold weather = SNOW!!!

Snowflakes falling on his head...

sista attempting to eat snow =_=

Enjoying the snow and vastness of the garden :)


Mr. Orange jump attempt :D
I'm pretty glad we've got 2 photo-pro peeps in our travelling gang. haha... cuz both of them got tripods! YAY~ always nice to take group pics w everyone in, w/o the need to ask other tourists to help us take (which is usually CMI), and have loads of fun fooling & jumping around!

Laughing off failed jump attempt

Jump attempt II - still CMI
P.S. Sista's floating again - landing of 'tian wai fei xian'

We're jumping so many times, it's quite paiseh w onlookers. haha, so ended up just being normal. hehe

Back to Glokenspiel area scouting for souvenirs.


can see me?

Another group pic :)

sista feeding himself to the fish and his kiddy master
We wanted to get train tix to Zugspitz the next day, and yet we're afraid that HB will be full house. (as advised by our guide to go early to get seats). So we split up, JY & Derek went to chope seats @ HB, while YS & I went back to train stn to buy tickets. On the way to HB after purchasing our tickets, we witnessed some protest gg on...

After bout a week of travelling, we're no longer keeping up with the news. Apparently this sorta Tibet protests are quite common in Europe! During our travels we also saw some other mini protests on this issue. It's only later into our Easter trip then I found out bout the Tibet issue with China.
Anyway, it snowed again! haha... the snow in Munich is start-stop-start-stop. Everytime it snowed i'm so thrilled. haha. macham some suaku person who hasn't seen snow before.

and it's really hard to capture falling snow.

Arrived @ HB!

HB Coaster

1.0l beer all to myself! muaha...

Sista rox. he had 2 mugs. lol

YS and his beer

YS's dinner order - pork knuckle! zhu jiao~.. almost there la. haha

JY turning red after drinking

While we're still there, a Spanish old lady who couldn't find any seat sat beside JY. haha.. he looks super paiseh. lol

Derek & I with the band behind

A better view of the band. Sista, being the camwhore tht he is, wanted to take a pic with one of the ladies selling pretzels in HB. Thing is, alot of them are aunties. haha... and finally someone young / chio came along, he jumped on the chance to buy a pretzel and requested to take a pic with her. cunning rite...haha

If u click and enlarge the image, u'll notice that her smile is very mian qiang. *shakes head @ sista*
After a real satisfying dinner and Beer house experience, we stumbled outta HB drunk. haha.. no lah, none of us did. Derek & YS kept complaining that JY's kinda high and i'm in a very dreamy state =.= I'm NOT lor... I admit after drinking i just wanna konk out and Zzz.. but i'm not dreamy lor. So if YS posts on his blog saying tht i'm very dreamy, rmbr hor...I'm not lor. hahaha.. i'm just tired! muaha...
kk.. wah v long post. next day we're gg skiing~ woohoo! look out for next post :D
On the train ride from Prague to Munich. It's still snowing! hehe..
I became pretty inspired and started sketching and writing and my notebook.
This is the view outside our tiny train cabin :)
We safely arrived in cosmopolitan Munich on 18 March and settled into one of the best hostels ever - WOMBATS! If u're ever travelling in Europe, always try Wombat. It's clean, prices are good, and every checkin comes with a free drink at their hostel bar. woohoo~!
Well, we didnt have much plans on the day we arrived. So we decided to explore the main city plaza, Marienplatz and headed to Hard Rock CAfe (HRC) to take a look. Oh, btw, HRC will appear quite often from now on. haha... Cuz I always to each city's HRC to buy their pins. So I'm aka Pinhead. heh..
As night falls...
Finally arrived at HRC, and I'm totally fascinated by the size of this restaurant and the souvenir shop is really cool! They've got guitars by various rockstars hung on their walls all over.
And another cool find in HRC...
"rock on!"
On the way back to hostel ZZzz... we passed by this guy busking along the streets on a grand piano! I have no idea how he managed to move the huge instrument there, but his 'Moonlight Sonata' performance definitely caught my attention.
very impressed with his playing, so i bought his cd containing collection of Rachmaninov, Chopin, Beethoven, Mozart and Strauss. He autographed my CD and I even took a pic w him.
Me & Daniel Stenway
Back in the hostel, some beer before we ZZz...
19 March
The next day, we woke up to yummy Wombat's buffet breakfast! Being on budget, I showed my kiasu Singaporean side *ashamed* haha.. dabao sandwiches for lunch. :D
Thereafter, we met in the lobby to go for a Free walking tour in Munich :)
Stop 1 - Karlsplatz / Stachus. Surprisingly, the locals only know this plaza by its second name. It's a city centre-cum-shopping plaza - and I mean shopping like Orchard Road. haha!
Stop 2 - Frauenkirche
This is the tallest building in Munich. It used to be a monastery brewing beer. Very interesting hor? Monks drinking beer. haha... they did it because they drink beer whenever they're fasting. So they're so well-reputed for brewing beer that the Pope asked for a sample to try. The beers is sent over during summer, so it turned bad when the Pope drank it. and so he commented "Ah.. it's good to drink this as punishment for your sins." lol... That's why beer can be continued to be brewed there :)
Interior of the church
"ugh~!! Somebody save me from this woman! *chokes*"
Stop 3 - Marienplatz
This it the street connecting from Karlsplatz...*shopping shopping shopping*
Here stands the Glokenspiel of Peterskirche! This gothic church has bells ringing everyday during noon time, and thus its name Glokenspiel. Probably this is where the name comes from for the instrument Glockenspiel. heh..
Stop 4 - on to Viktualien market
This local market sells alot of local produce.
and there's an entire row of butcher stalls! An interesting observation - not tht i'm trying to stereotype - but the butchers look so much as how a cartoon wld portray them to be! Big and chuuby holding a huge butcher knife in his shop with meat and sausages hanging over the counter. haha
huge variety of hams and meat and sausages and what have u..
Our guide greatly encouraged us to try this local dish called 'Lerberkas'. If u're in Munich, you definitely have to try this! *yUm!*
looks ordinary, but the taste is amazing! It's a traditional Bavarian breakfast - super thick ham with hot crisp bread and sweet mustart sauce. *heaven*
Stop 5 - Hofbrahaus aka. Palace Beer House
All I can say is - Big Bavarian Beerhouse! Big is an understatement even. It's as big as a huge ballroom for weddings! And I love all the decors on the walls and ceilings. The atmosphere was just magnificent! With a band playing live, people drinking beer in the afternoon, all jolly and drunk. no not drunk. Totally Oktober Fest - Music, Beer and Meat. haha... welcome to Germany manz!
Pple buy their own Steins. Steins are these HUGE huge beer-drinking mugs. And here, they'll lock away their stein. After this stop, we decided to come back for dinner *wootz* So more of Hofbrahaus aka. HB later! :D
Stop 6 - ?
I dunno where we are. lol... after HB, I'm totally into the mood of eating and drinking German style. haha... so..
if i'm not wrong this guy is Emperor Maximilan. and the background is National Theatre.
But i remembered this interesting fact brought up by my guide. Notice all the statues with someone on a horse -
1) 1 hoof off the floor = injured in battle
2) both hoofs off the floor = died in battle
haha.. so next time u can just say "see! this person died in battle." w/o even knowing his history. aha~
The rest of the places are 'blank' to me. Totally can't remember... tht's the consequence of blogging so late after travel. haha. Anyway, enjoy e architecture!
Theatiner Kirche
AFter the tour, we took a nice stroll to Hofgarten. The weather was freezing! haha.. and as usual, nothing much to do, we camwhored!
Freezing cold weather = SNOW!!!
Snowflakes falling on his head...
sista attempting to eat snow =_=
Enjoying the snow and vastness of the garden :)
Mr. Orange jump attempt :D
I'm pretty glad we've got 2 photo-pro peeps in our travelling gang. haha... cuz both of them got tripods! YAY~ always nice to take group pics w everyone in, w/o the need to ask other tourists to help us take (which is usually CMI), and have loads of fun fooling & jumping around!
Laughing off failed jump attempt
Jump attempt II - still CMI
P.S. Sista's floating again - landing of 'tian wai fei xian'
We're jumping so many times, it's quite paiseh w onlookers. haha, so ended up just being normal. hehe
Back to Glokenspiel area scouting for souvenirs.
can see me?
Another group pic :)
sista feeding himself to the fish and his kiddy master
We wanted to get train tix to Zugspitz the next day, and yet we're afraid that HB will be full house. (as advised by our guide to go early to get seats). So we split up, JY & Derek went to chope seats @ HB, while YS & I went back to train stn to buy tickets. On the way to HB after purchasing our tickets, we witnessed some protest gg on...
After bout a week of travelling, we're no longer keeping up with the news. Apparently this sorta Tibet protests are quite common in Europe! During our travels we also saw some other mini protests on this issue. It's only later into our Easter trip then I found out bout the Tibet issue with China.
Anyway, it snowed again! haha... the snow in Munich is start-stop-start-stop. Everytime it snowed i'm so thrilled. haha. macham some suaku person who hasn't seen snow before.
and it's really hard to capture falling snow.

Arrived @ HB!
HB Coaster
1.0l beer all to myself! muaha...
Sista rox. he had 2 mugs. lol
YS and his beer
YS's dinner order - pork knuckle! zhu jiao~.. almost there la. haha
JY turning red after drinking
While we're still there, a Spanish old lady who couldn't find any seat sat beside JY. haha.. he looks super paiseh. lol
Derek & I with the band behind
A better view of the band. Sista, being the camwhore tht he is, wanted to take a pic with one of the ladies selling pretzels in HB. Thing is, alot of them are aunties. haha... and finally someone young / chio came along, he jumped on the chance to buy a pretzel and requested to take a pic with her. cunning rite...haha
If u click and enlarge the image, u'll notice that her smile is very mian qiang. *shakes head @ sista*
After a real satisfying dinner and Beer house experience, we stumbled outta HB drunk. haha.. no lah, none of us did. Derek & YS kept complaining that JY's kinda high and i'm in a very dreamy state =.= I'm NOT lor... I admit after drinking i just wanna konk out and Zzz.. but i'm not dreamy lor. So if YS posts on his blog saying tht i'm very dreamy, rmbr hor...I'm not lor. hahaha.. i'm just tired! muaha...
kk.. wah v long post. next day we're gg skiing~ woohoo! look out for next post :D