Slow heal... 22 Jul '09

11:26 PM Edit This
It has been 3 weeks since I had my operation. The wound is just taking so long to heal... or maybe i'm just impatient. My belly button is taking the worst hit from the op cuz the incision is larger and the muscle around that area generally takes bout 1 month or so to fully heal. Every now and then, this clear liquid will keep oozing out from my belly button. Doc says it bcuz the inside hasn't completely healed.

But the experience is quite annoying, and worrying... and tiring at the end of it all. The day it was worst was on graduation day. All the walking, rushing around, carrying so many things at once, driving... it oozed so badly that at the end of the day it hurts. From then on, everytime i'm out, it'll ooze and stain my clothes and tires me out quite badly.

Just came home from Harry Potter movie. Almost late so walked faster, and it oozed again. Sigh. PLus, i'm feeling pretty down. I'm just, really tired.


Graduate lo~!

10:19 AM Edit This
We've all graduated! :)

Tofu Oyako Design Competition

9:16 PM Edit This
Exciting Happenings!

I recently participated in a SingPost stamp design competition which is held in conjunction with Singapore Toy, Games & Comic Convention. My design has been selected to top 30 and now voting has begun for Top 10 placing.

Please vote for me!

Just click on this link and vote for the design under my name: Loh Wan Ping (NUS).

Voting ends 12 midnight on 31 July 2009.

This is my design :)

Also, I really think this contestant has a very incredible design too. But her votes aren't very high though. So if you think hers is good, vote for her too!

Each voter is allowed to vote for 1 design only and you stand a chance to win $100 cash prizes (3 winners)!
So get your family, colleagues & friends to vote too!

Thanks a lot!! :)

War with Appendicitis - 8 July

5:21 PM Edit This
Excruciating abdominal pain, visit to doctors & hospital, surgery... and finally relieved from the ragin monster inside me - an infected appendix =.=

Last week I had one of the most horrible experience of my life. Appendicitis.
It started out with a mild and persistent tummy ache which my GP thought could be indigestion. Just after 12hrs through the night, my condition worsened and I went back to the GP, with her concluding that it's high possibility of appendicitis.
And off I went to surgeon which my GP recommended in the hospital. He kept pressing my tummy all over trying to locate the specific spot where pain is most intense. But my pain was all situated on the right side, no specific location.

Then he said, "You know what? It may NOT be appendicitis... cuz usually pain is localized". So I was whisked to radiology dept for further diagnosis. There I puked all 4 glasses of contrast liquid I drank...and I could barely stand.

Finally, when the scans came out - confirmed a swollen appendix, cunning enough to hide behind my large intestine... "No wonder the location of the pain is so funny," said the surgeon =.=

Then I was admitted immediately, totally tortured by the stupid, infected & useless appendix in my body. Luckily for the painkillers, I was able to tahan a few hours until my op. All I could think of was "Damn appendix! Just quick get it out! Argh!".

Some pics whilst in hospital. That's me on second night after op.

This is my first breakfast meal after op. Hospital food is really... bland.

And a balloon from my bro & flowers from Ah An to cheer me up! Thanks!!

All these happened last Thursday... luckily not this Thursday, else I would've missed my commencement. I came back from a checkup a while ago. The surgeon showed me pictures of my swollen and dying appendix. *OMG* can't imagine a part of your body dying within you. yucks. And worse of all, I just can't imagine how swollen my appendix can get. Just read from the report, max diameter was 2.4cm wide!!! OMG!!! Wah lau eh! Ji da yi xia~!

So I asked what caused my condition and are all those old wives' tales bout appendicitis true??

Well, for my condition, dunno why a blob of faeces got stuck in the middle of my appendix - so that's why it got infected, and the rest is history. As for the tales that our parents, grandparents & gret-grandparents told us...

- "Tell u dun eat so much chilli with seeds! Later the seeds get stuck in ur appendix!"
- "Eat and jump some more lah! Wait the food gets into your appendix then u know!"

Actually when we exercise AFTER we eat, our tummy might ache because: When we're digesting our food, blood flows to the intestines to aid digestion process. But when we start exercising, blood is drawn away to our muscles. So with this lack of blood supplied to the intestine, it'll cause some pain in your abdominal area.

As far as the doc is concerned, those tales are baseless. Nobody knows exactly why the appendix will get infected. Sometimes even with nothing stuck inside, it can get infected too! Needless to say, no one knows why this redundant appendix is even present in our bodies.

Yup, so I'm glad that this painful experience is over. Now looking forward to commencement on Sat, 11 July!!! Woohoo~!!! I'm still jobless... but heck. Woohoo~!!!