11:48 AM Edit This
Today is a quiet day for me. It's a nice day to reminisce everything that has happened :)
Well, this semester have been really hectic. Though there's only 3 examinable modules, my FYP and design modules really took up bulk of my free time. All the lab-going and computer simulation has been pretty fruitful.
Design Project
My design proj grp has 7 members this sem - Jinyang, myself, Yisi, (Prof Wong), Jiarong, Yifeng, Junhao, JunSiong - We sure have put in loads of effort into our Snipebot.
Basically, our minirobot is a shooter that has to shoot balls at 3 targets in the arena. This sem mainly is about building the robot itself and competing with 9 other groups. And I have to say, all the D&T-like manufacturing lab-going, meetings to troubleshoot our problems, and all the late nights in school calibrating have paid off. We emerged champion in the competition!!! woohoo~!
Thanks guys for all the effort, especially JS - i think u really motivated everyone in this proj with your Energizer spirit! Really glad to have bonded closer with everyone else this semester too! That's definitely one of my proudest moments in NUS ;)
New Hobby
Yes, I've picked up a new hobby, thanks to weiann. haha... It started out with buying a SD (super deformed - big head small body) 'Romance of the Three Kingdoms' Gundam for gift exchange last Christmas. He bought 2 and kept one for himself. And from then on, he has been collecting the entire set of that Gundam series following 'Chi Bi' movie
Courtesy of Bandai-Asia
while I've been choosing Gundam which I like to fix and paint it :) Dear gave me a blank tofu from his trip to Toyfair earlier this year. And from then on I think tofu's pretty cute. hee... This is the series featured by pi(Play Imaginative)

Blank Tofu is being transformed to...

I coloured everything on my own leh! hehe.. and added a little personal touch to it :)
And there's also Justice Gundam from Gundam Seed (1/144):

I find the painting the gundam more fun than assemblying it. I remember buying a Gundam to fix back in secondary school, but somehow, I think I fixed a part or two wrongly, so it never stood properly. haha.. can't seem to find that model somehow.
Also, there are my Arms Astray P.M.C. (1/144) and Aegis Gundam (1/100). hehe

Yawnz... Oh, i bought another gundam on my HK trip. haha... hoping to fix it real soon, and update on my HK holiday too :)
Well, this semester have been really hectic. Though there's only 3 examinable modules, my FYP and design modules really took up bulk of my free time. All the lab-going and computer simulation has been pretty fruitful.
Design Project
My design proj grp has 7 members this sem - Jinyang, myself, Yisi, (Prof Wong), Jiarong, Yifeng, Junhao, JunSiong - We sure have put in loads of effort into our Snipebot.

Thanks guys for all the effort, especially JS - i think u really motivated everyone in this proj with your Energizer spirit! Really glad to have bonded closer with everyone else this semester too! That's definitely one of my proudest moments in NUS ;)
New Hobby
Yes, I've picked up a new hobby, thanks to weiann. haha... It started out with buying a SD (super deformed - big head small body) 'Romance of the Three Kingdoms' Gundam for gift exchange last Christmas. He bought 2 and kept one for himself. And from then on, he has been collecting the entire set of that Gundam series following 'Chi Bi' movie

Courtesy of Bandai-Asia
while I've been choosing Gundam which I like to fix and paint it :) Dear gave me a blank tofu from his trip to Toyfair earlier this year. And from then on I think tofu's pretty cute. hee... This is the series featured by pi(Play Imaginative)

Blank Tofu is being transformed to...

I coloured everything on my own leh! hehe.. and added a little personal touch to it :)
And there's also Justice Gundam from Gundam Seed (1/144):

I find the painting the gundam more fun than assemblying it. I remember buying a Gundam to fix back in secondary school, but somehow, I think I fixed a part or two wrongly, so it never stood properly. haha.. can't seem to find that model somehow.
Also, there are my Arms Astray P.M.C. (1/144) and Aegis Gundam (1/100). hehe

Yawnz... Oh, i bought another gundam on my HK trip. haha... hoping to fix it real soon, and update on my HK holiday too :)