I've been to the Zoo Zoo Zoo
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I've been to the zoo thrice since I finished exams for rackey, trails, and zoo camp. I'm glad that at least I can earn some income from working part-time in the zoo, especially now that i'm still jobless. hee...
Here are some pics I've taken during my rackey. That rackey was necessary cuz I haven't been working for at least a year since I'm back from exchange. So... need to do some homework before facilitating in school excursion trails.

Talking about lemurs... I was conducting the zoo trail into Fragile Forest with P1 students. FYI, Fragile Forest (FF) is an enclosed dome shaped exhibit where the animals within are free-ranging i.e. the mouse deers, butterflies, sloths, lemurs etc will all be roaming around the visitor.
So I was trying to calm the screaming P1 girls down, I told them, "Don't worry! These animals won't bite".
Right after I said that, this lemur suddenly jumped onto the railings of the balcony, grabbed my arm, opened its mouth wide and bit me. *ARGHhh!*
Immediately after that, a terrified girl commented, "But that one just bite you!!"
=_=... super suay. Well, luckily there's no blood, just a few scratches from its teeth. Didn't know my arm looked so yummy.

The zoo camp was held last weekend - 2D1N family camp. Maybe it was the presence of parents, it gave me higher pressure to facilitate well. The other 2 facilitators were Azilah & Haniman, long time regulars (still part-timers) as education facilitators in the zoo.
I felt that I've learnt alot more during this camp, especially from observing how both of them facilitate. I'm always impressed with the amount of animal knowledge that Haniman possess. Despite starting out as a guide at the Night Safari, he sure knows a hell lot about animal behaviors and how they interact. There are definitely ALOT of info I can get out of him than my notes and research from the net.
Azilah, on the other hand, is the one who's really good at conducting the camp, controlling the crowd and she's always the one that calms my nerves. Well, being the most inexperienced amongst them, I felt that the families who were in my group probably did not benefit as much in terms of extra info on the animals. But, every experience I have in the zoo is a learning experience for me.
I'm really glad that I went for this camp with a positive mind. It's this positive mindset that makes me open to learning skills and knowledge from them. :)
Here are some pics I've taken during my rackey. That rackey was necessary cuz I haven't been working for at least a year since I'm back from exchange. So... need to do some homework before facilitating in school excursion trails.

Talking about lemurs... I was conducting the zoo trail into Fragile Forest with P1 students. FYI, Fragile Forest (FF) is an enclosed dome shaped exhibit where the animals within are free-ranging i.e. the mouse deers, butterflies, sloths, lemurs etc will all be roaming around the visitor.
So I was trying to calm the screaming P1 girls down, I told them, "Don't worry! These animals won't bite".
Right after I said that, this lemur suddenly jumped onto the railings of the balcony, grabbed my arm, opened its mouth wide and bit me. *ARGHhh!*
Immediately after that, a terrified girl commented, "But that one just bite you!!"
=_=... super suay. Well, luckily there's no blood, just a few scratches from its teeth. Didn't know my arm looked so yummy.

The zoo camp was held last weekend - 2D1N family camp. Maybe it was the presence of parents, it gave me higher pressure to facilitate well. The other 2 facilitators were Azilah & Haniman, long time regulars (still part-timers) as education facilitators in the zoo.
I felt that I've learnt alot more during this camp, especially from observing how both of them facilitate. I'm always impressed with the amount of animal knowledge that Haniman possess. Despite starting out as a guide at the Night Safari, he sure knows a hell lot about animal behaviors and how they interact. There are definitely ALOT of info I can get out of him than my notes and research from the net.
Azilah, on the other hand, is the one who's really good at conducting the camp, controlling the crowd and she's always the one that calms my nerves. Well, being the most inexperienced amongst them, I felt that the families who were in my group probably did not benefit as much in terms of extra info on the animals. But, every experience I have in the zoo is a learning experience for me.
I'm really glad that I went for this camp with a positive mind. It's this positive mindset that makes me open to learning skills and knowledge from them. :)