8:11 PM Edit This
Always love Gelare's ice-cream waffle, aromatic & piping hot with crisp crust and yummy ice-cream. *wootZ* =D
Got myself a figurine which I eyed for a long time...
Went to zoo again today... 2nd batch of P3 students coming down for trails. this is the most horriblest, terriblest group of kids I've ever taken. WA & I took the same class, but we split them into 2 groups... and I got the naughty group! They never listens to instructions, keep talking away when I'm talking, loves to scream and chase each other... The thing is their teacher-in-charge must have known that my grp has the terriblest, horriblest kids and joined wa's group!!! *ARRrrr* Left alone with a volunteer parent to these handful kids *sighz*
This went on all the way and climaxed at Fragile Forest. Cuz FF is a place where visitors can get close encounters with the animals... I already warned the kids not to make alot of noise so they won't scare the animals away, don't chase them, and all the other DON'Ts... *sigh* The 'chasing' boys saw 2 crowned pigeons (size of a chicken) walking past them and they freaked out screaming "Yee!~ Demons! Monsters! They got red eyes!"
Of course when they screamed, the pigeon got freaked out too and they started to walk about frantically. And when the pigeons couldn't take any more of the kids' screamings, they took off right in front of the children. So all the kids dunked and screamed even louder. *CHAOS* I was fuming mad. MAD. FREAKING MAD!! Mini terrorists. =.=
Stopped by Cheetah exhibit. I love cats... not small ones. Big cats. haha... and especially love it when the cheetahs rest beside the glass panel of the exhibit. They're so close up, it's as if they're just sitting by ur feet!
Beginning to fall in love and appreciate these animals in the zoo.... without kids of course. =P