1st Zoo Camp
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Went for my first ever Zoo Camp for the past 2 days. It was something new... fun and tiring. Wei Ann & I are education facilitators, so each of us are supposed to bring a group of 20 kids around Behind-the-scenes, pitch tent, have meals with them... There's a total of 4 classes from Zhangde Primary 3 students attending the camp.
Well, at the end of the camp, we waved these little terrors goodbye. lol... it's quite fun actually, building bonds with these kids and having fun with them. 
For those who doesn't know Behind-the-scenes (BTS), it's part of the zoo's education programme to teach more in depth to participating kids about the zoo's collection of animals and to spread the conservation message. Being a facilitator isn't easy man... look how much we've been thru alot before we're allowed on the job. Totally freaked out!!!

Wei Ann with the Magadascan Hissing Cockroach... HAHAha...
Me holding a HUGE Giant Millipede.
My class is still relatively good, sometimes a few boys will start running and chasing each other around. And at the end of Day 1 dinner, this boy called HaiJing was really attached to me. He kept looking for me during mealtimes to talk cock =.=
Wei Ann was tortured badly by his class. haha... his class has the most notorious boys in the level... muaha.. poor thing.
All of the facilitators suffered in the camp! haha... these kids har... never seem to sleep. Almost every minute, there's a couple of kids coming over to ask permission to go to toilet. Otherwise, they'll be playing and screaming in their tents. *sian* This was how our night was like.
1:00am - finished bathing
2.00am - settling down & snuggling into slping bag.
"teacher / jie jie, can I go toilet??"
"teacher / jie jie, can I go toilet??"
" how come you're alone? Go wake one of ur friends up to go with you."
" teacher / jie jie, can we go toilet??"
" Ok go".
" teacher / jie jie, can we go toilet??"
" Ok go".
(another pair) "teacher, can we go toilet??" =_= ZZz...
3.00am - Another facilitator punished noisy boys to stand outside their tents
4.00am - Stupid rooster cuckooing away. Totally wanted to catch it and eat it up! Arrr....
5.00am - Zzz..
6.00am - Time to wake up...and SO MANY of the kids are already running around, making lots of noise!
*Day 2 programme starts*
Hai Jing is the boy in the centre who attempted to hold my hand throughout the 2nd day tour. haha.. very cute =) The boy with glasses is Royston. He's very smart! He can answer almost all my questions correctly!
Wei Ann with the Magadascan Hissing Cockroach... HAHAha...