6:45 AM Edit This
This is my third day here. Has been quite a tiring day... Well we've pretty much settled in. haha.. and my official address is:
F1B2 Butler Court
Ashby Road
Loughborough University
LE11 3TS, UK
Write to me! hee...
Here's pic of my room... and backview of my roomie. hehe
Our first home-cooked dinner: Chef JY and Chef Jared ;)
Wednesday's my free day, so slacked and webcam the entire morning until lunch time. Den we attempted to cook lunch : ABC soup, canned hotdogs with rice. We cut up too much potatoes and carrots so the excess are cooked the standard chinese way - stir-fry with oyster sauce and soy sauce. After trying to cook for the past 2 nights, oyster and soya sauce has become the most impt, oh not forgetting chilli. The sambal chilli tht Ben brought were great! haha... and reminds me of sambal stingray~!!! *droOLs...*
Yeah, that sth fantastic happened in the kitchen. My pot (unfortunately and i feel v bad~) was heated up too long with oil in it and it caught fire. Yes. CAUGHT FIRE. haha... there's like tall flames and dark smoke and everyone stunned. lol... but we Ben managaed to put out the flames before the fire alarm is activated *phEw*. And we have smoky kitchen and corridors.. and stinky rooms for a moment. We had a good laugh over it tho... hee...
tomorrow we (mech engrg peeps) are finally gg to attend our first lecture in LU. Thurs is our busiest day and the market is opened on Thurs and sat only! :( one day less to go visit the market in town.